SD card setup

  1. BOOT (64MB (512 MiB), FAT32, bootable flag) with 4MB empty space ahead
  2. rootfs (rest, ext4)

  1. Mount the formatted card
  2. Petalinux 2018.3: Copy boot and kernel: (for boot_project_name see Boot and Kernel configure & build with PetaLinux without BSP (board support package))
    cd <boot_project_path>/<boot_project_name>
    sudo cp ./images/linux/BOOT.BIN ./images/linux/?mage* ./images/linux/?ystem.* ./images/linux/u-boot.bin ./images/linux/vmlinux <sd_card_mount_point>/BOOT/
    // old: sudo cp ./images/linux/* <sd_card_mount_point>/BOOT/
  3. Petalinux 2020.2: Copy boot and kernel: (for boot_project_name see Boot and Kernel configure &amp; build with PetaLinux without BSP (board support package))
    cd <boot_project_path>/<boot_project_name>
    sudo cp ./images/linux/BOOT.BIN ./images/linux/?mage* ./images/linux/?ystem.* ./images/linux/u-boot.bin ./images/linux/vmlinux ./images/linux/boot.scr <sd_card_mount_point>/BOOT/
  1. Copy root filesystem:
    cd <rootfs_path>
    sudo cp -a rootfs/* <sd_card_mount_point>/rootfs/
  2. Umount BOOT and rootfs